Here are a few videos about the .nyc TLD. The first is from an October 17, 2008 hearing before the New York City Council’s Technology in Government Committee. Council Member Gale Brewer chaired the meeting at which Michael Palage, Thomas Lowenhaupt, and Hannah Kopelman spoke on behalf of Inc.’s public interest approach to a city TLD’s development.

The second video is from a 2006 presentation Thomas Lowenhaupt made to the Internet Society at the Jefferson Market Branch of the New York Public Library.

The final one with former Mayor Koch shows him speaking on behalf of dotNYC, a proponent of the Standard Model of TLD development - contrasted with our Community Model. We’re confident the mayor would favor our proposal if he studied the Community Model and its public interest features and knew What Success Means. But even if he read the details and understood the differences, and still favored the Standard Model, we’d still remember the How-Am-I-Doing Mayor in a favorable way.